What Coolant Does Toyota Use?

When it comes to your Charlotte Toyota coolant, there are lots of products to choose from. And, we know this can leave you puzzled, so our technicians are here to help you out with your auto service and see which car coolant is for you. But, not every Toyota red coolant is the same and there are other colors to choose from like purple, red, yellow, blue, green, and orange.

Toyota red coolant

The Details about Toyota Red Coolant 

Different car brands use different types of car coolant. So, it’s important to know which color goes into your make and model. If you have a reliable Toyota, then you’re likely going to use Charlotte Toyota red coolant. But, Toyota can also use a pinkish color. Let’s get into the differences between them.

Toyota Pink Super Long Life Coolant. 

When it comes to the Toyota pink coolant, there are different ingredients such as:

  • Water (7732-18-5)
  • Ethylene Glycol (107-21-1)
  • Diethylene Glycol (111-20-6)
  • Sebacic Acid (111-20-6)
  • Potassium Hydroxide (1310-58-3)

Toyota Red Coolant Long Life. 

Toyota red coolant is one the best car coolants to put into your N Charlotte Toyota. Here’s what is in the Toyota red coolant.

  • Ethylene Glycol (107-21-1)
  • Diethylene Glycol (111-46-6)
  • Water (7732-18-5)
  • Organic Acid Salt (532-32-1)
  • Hydrated Inorganic Salt (1310-58-3)

Which Car Coolant Color Is For You?

  • Now that you’ve seen what ingredients go into the two car coolant colors that are great for N Charlotte Toyotas, let’s see which color is for you.
  • Rumor has it that the Charlotte Toyota pink coolant is better than the Toyota red coolant.
  • This is because the pink car coolant can last up to 100,000 miles or 10 years for the factory fill, and needs to be changed every 60,000 miles or 5 years after that.
  • The Toyota red coolant has a much shorter life than the pink color. This color needs to be changed every 30,000 miles or every 2 years.
  • So, if you’re deciding which color to get, then the price might come into play. Since the pink color last much longer than the red, this makes it more expensive. This is because it’s only available as a 50/50 pre-mixed formula whereas the red color is not pre-diluted.
  • If you don’t mind changing the coolant more often, then you should opt for the red color. But, if you don’t want to deal with changing it that often, then you should go for the pink color.
  • Also, if you start with one color, then it’s best to stick with that and not mix the two colors to give your N Charlotte Toyota the best performance possible.

Stop by Toyota of N Charlotte 

If you want to put Toyota red coolant in your ride, then stop by Toyota of N Charlotte today! Our expert auto service technicians can bring your AC back to life by filling your reservoir back up. Stop by 13429 Statesville Road. Just take exit 23 off I-77 in Huntersville.